Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

How Gum Grafting for Gum Disease Can Improve Oral Health

May 11, 2018 @ 09:00 AM — by Craig Goldin DDS
Tagged with: Gum Disease

Gum disease can take a toll on your oral health. One of the many undesired side effects of the condition is receding gums. Fortunately, our doctors offer a number of periodontal treatments to address this issue. 

Today, our team at the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute in Troy, MI discusses gum grafting for gum disease, and explains how you can regain the health and aesthetics of your smile with this periodontal treatment. 

The Effects of Gum Disease

Moderate to advanced periodontal disease can lead to a number of oral health issues, including bad breath, bone loss, and tooth mobility. When infection begins to erode the jawbone, the gums will follow suit. Therefore, the more bone loss you have around a tooth, the more the gums around it will recede. 

Not only does this have a negative impact on the aesthetics of your smile, it can result in increased temperature sensitivity. In addition, when the roots of your teeth are exposed, they are much more vulnerable to decay and dental damage. This is because the roots are covered in cementum rather than enamel; and this material is not as strong. 

Because gum recession is such a common byproduct of gum disease, many patients require a gum grafting procedure to cover and protect the exposed roots. 

Treating Infection First

Before a gum grafting procedure can be performed, the infection must first be eliminated. The periodontal treatment necessary to achieve this goal will depend on the severity of the condition. 

While mild to moderate periodontal disease may be treatable with non-surgical methods, such as scaling and root planing, advanced gum disease may necessitate periodontal surgery. 

No matter what techniques are used, the primary objective is the same: to eliminate infection and bacteria. Once this portion of treatment is complete, patients can then focus on restoring the gum tissue around the tooth.

The Gum Graft Procedure

Simply stated, a gum graft procedure involves adding tissue to the areas in which you are deficient. There are a few different ways this can be completed. 

A gum graft may be autogenous (taken from the roof of the mouth) or non-autogenous (a freeze-dried graft purchased from a bone and tissue bank). The type of graft recommended for you will largely depend on your unique needs. Your doctor can help you determine which option is best suited for your goals. 

To place the gum graft, a small incision is created at the gum line. The gum tissue will then be moved back and the new tissue will be placed over the exposed tooth root. Once it is secured, the gums will be repositioned over the graft, and the incision will be closed with sutures. 

A gum grafting procedure typically requires a few weeks of healing, although the initial healing period is typically over by the end of the first week. The result is strong, healthy tissue and a more balanced, aesthetically pleasing gum line.

Learn More about Gum Grafting

If you are experiencing gum recession, a tissue graft can cover vulnerable tooth roots and protect your oral health. To find out if this procedure could be beneficial for you, schedule a consultation at our practice. As always, you can reach out to one of our team members with any questions you may have. Contact us online or give us a call at (248) 519-1919.