IV Drip

IV Sedation

Phobias about pain, dental procedures, or dentists in general can delay the oral care treatments you need to have a healthy smile.
Dr. Craig Goldin can administer IV sedation at our comforting Troy, MI, dental practice to make your visit stress free, calm, and painless. The Cosmetic Dentistry Institute is proud to offer residents in the Birmingham and Bloomfield area a relaxed dental care experience.

Enjoy a Peaceful Dental Procedure

Relaxed patient with her eyes closed in a dentist's office
Receiving IV sedation at our spa-like dentist's office in Troy, MI, can make dental implant surgery or a simple dental crown procedure a relaxing, pain-free experience. Our luscious memory foam dental chair, toasty mittens, and snuggly blankets will add to your comfort.

Is IV Sedation from Dr. Goldin Safe?

Absolutely. Dr. Craig Goldin is certified in IV sedation, and he will monitor you closely during your treatment using state-of-the-art equipment. Unlike general anesthesia, the sedative medication will allow you to remain awake (but drowsy) so you can still communicate with Dr. Goldin if needed.

Dr. Craig Goldin, his wife, Dr. Marcy Goldin, and Dr. David Whalen, are dedicated to making visits to our Troy, MI, office as easy and comfortable as possible. IV sedation will make routine dental procedures a seem like they were completed in a flash. Longer, complex treatments like dental implants, full mouth reconstruction, or gum surgery, can be completed with little if any anxiety. Contact us online or by phone to learn more.

Person with IV drip

Greater Detroit Area Patients Love Our Dentists


Richard Smith


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This dental practice is really at the top of their game. Very professional, with good onsite precautions for Covid. I’ve always been very satisfied with the results of any procedure that I’ve received.

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Debra DeFour


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Fantastic dental practice! They operate with the utmost professionalism, expertise and compassion. State of the art facility! I highly recommend them. So happy I followed the recommendation from a friend years ago!

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4 Main Advantages of IV Sedation

Instead of being completely asleep and unable to talk, you will be drowsy but conscious and communicative.
There is no need for an expensive anesthesiologist to administer general anesthesia. Dr. Goldin is certified to administer IV sedation and monitor patients.
You can receive the dental health treatment you need to prevent, diagnose, and treat cavities, gum disease, and other serious oral health issues.
IV sedation blocks pain sensors in your brain, so you will be comfortable throughout the entire process.

Can IV Sedation Help Me?

If you are the kind of patient who is uncomfortable with dentistry procedures due to anxiety or physical issues, you are probably a good candidate for safe, calming intravenous (IV) sedation. Consider this worthwhile treatment if you experience the following:

  • Insomnia the night before a dental visit
  • Nausea, sweating, racing heartbeat, or heart palpitations at the dentist's office
  • Difficulty or refusal to schedule dental exams or treatment, even if your oral health is suffering
  • Physical discomfort with sitting still for long periods of time
  • Gagging during dental appointments

Sedation Dentistry for Our Troy, Birmingham, and Bloomfield, Patients

At our Troy, MI, dental practice, located in the Greater Detroit area, we offer IV sedation as well as other sedation dentistry options to patients who have fears or anxiety about dental treatments and in-office oral hygiene procedures. These sedation dentistry options include lighter sedation through nitrous oxide gas and much stronger conscious sedation methods using oral sedatives. If you choose the stronger conscious sedation option, you will take an oral sedative prescribed by Dr. Goldin prior to your appointment.
Drs. Goldin and Whalen

Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Drs. Craig Goldin, Marcy Goldin, and David Whalen in Troy, MI, have created a spa-like atmosphere where you can relax while receiving gentle dental care. Our team specializes in a range of general dentistry treatments, including:

To schedule an appointment at our office serving Birmingham, Bloomfield, and the greater Detroit metropolitan area, contact us online, or call (248) 519-1919 today!

Contact Us Today

"Dr. Craig Goldin, Dr. Marcy Goldin and Dr. David Whalen have earned the privilege of being noted among the world’s best, most knowledgeable cosmetic dentistry experts."

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