A woman smiling in a dental chair

Sedation Dentistry

Anxiety can cause people to avoid dental visits. This can lead to cavities, gum disease, root canal infections, and tooth loss. Dental sedation helps patients achieve a relaxed state, allowing them to undergo the treatment they need for a healthy smile. There are many reasons why patients choose to take advantage of sedation dentistry at the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute in Troy, MI...

Patients with a Variety of Needs Can Benefit from This Service

There are numerous reasons why patients consider deep conscious sedation dentistry: 

Dental Phobia

It's estimated that up to 20 percent of people suffer from a fear of the dentist. Sedation dentistry allows you to calmly undergo checkups and cleanings.

Sensitive Gag Reflex

A sensitive gag reflex can make dental visits extremely unpleasant. Sedation dentistry helps make dental procedures more tolerable for people who experience this issue.

Very Sensitive Teeth

Severe tooth sensitivity can make routine dental examinations more uncomfortable than they need to be. Dental sedation can make your visit far more relaxing.

Difficulty Remaining Still

Sitting still in a dentist's chair can be challenging for some people, especially if they have cerebral palsy or Parkinson's Disease. Sedation dentistry can make visits much easier and more comfortable.

Complex Dental Procedures

If you have involved cosmetic or restorative dentistry needs that require a lot of work, sedation dentistry is often recommended to help the treatment time pass quickly.

Enhancing Smiles with the Help of Sedation Dentistry

At our Troy dental practice serving Birmingham and Bloomfield, we offer sedation dentistry to patients who have fear or anxiety about dental treatments. Sedation dentistry helps put our patients at ease and allows our dentists to complete complex treatments in a shorter amount of time.

How This Service Works: What Our Guests Can Expect

Deep conscious sedation is a method of reducing anxiety while undergoing dental treatment. There are numerous misconceptions about sedation and how it works, so here are the basics:

Achieving a Relaxed State

Sedation techniques are not the same as general anesthesia. Patients are not unconscious during visits. Instead, they are in a tranquil, semi-conscious state known as twilight sleep. They can respond to the dentist during treatment, but they will not experience worry during dental procedures.

Your Options

We provide three different sedation options: nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation. All of these options help patients achieve a state of deep relaxation while visiting the dentist. Nitrous oxide provides light sedation that subsides quickly. Oral and IV sedation have stronger effects.

Dentists Who Put Your Comfort First: Dentistry without Anxiety in Troy, MI

The Cosmetic Dentistry Institute is a dental practice that puts your needs first. Your comfort and the health of your teeth and gums are our top priorities, which is why we go the extra mile to make you feel welcome.

Dr. Craig Goldin received training in IV sedation at the Montefiore Medical Center In New York. This specific training in IV sedation means that patients can expect each visit to our dental practice to be calm, free from worry, and focused on wellness. Dr. Marcy Goldin and Dr. David Whalen both use their years of experience to provide compassionate care that puts a patient's mind at ease. The staff maintains a caring environment designed to help patients relax from the moment they enter the door.

Want to learn more about how you can benefit from this service? We welcome patients throughout Troy, Birmingham, and Bloomfield, MI, to schedule a consultation with our dentists online or call: 

(248) 519-1919

Dr. Craig Goldin, Dr. Marcy Goldin, and Dr. David Whalen
Our dentists look forward to seeing you in person and discussing your concerns and dental health goals in more detail.

"I Walked Out After Two Sleepy Visits a New Man." Get Dental Treatment Without Fear


Ev Marie


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This is by far the absolute best dentistry experience that I have ever had! I believe I was seen by Dr. Wahlen. I went in to get two teeth extracted in which everyone knows getting root canals can be one of the most scariest and stressful things. The service was quick. The teeth were out and I was pain-free before I could even panic lol the staff was very kind & caring I would highly recommend this place.

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Neal B


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The staff is incredibly detailed, professional, and caring. Shall we talk about Dr. Goldin? He’s an artist, a magician, and in my case a miracle worker. I walked into his office petrified of the dentist, horribly self conscious of my smile, and mentally a mess from previous dental work done elsewhere. I walked out after two sleepy visits a new man. I’ve smiled more the last year than I have in the past ten and I owe that all to Dr Goldin and his dream team! Thank you!

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Dr. Goldin on the Benefits of Sedation Find Out What It Can Do for You

Dr. Goldin appeared on The Wellness Hour to discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry and who benefits most from this remedy for dental anxiety. Thanks to diligent monitoring during visits, patients can get extensive work done on their teeth, gums, and other structures of the mouth without worries or triggering a panic attack.

Types of Dental Sedation

We offer nitrous oxide, oral sedatives, and intravenous sedation. These methods can help patients with different comfort needs:
woman inhaling nitrous oxide

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is the lightest level of conscious sedation available. Patients inhale the nitrous oxide in order to achieve a state of relaxation. When the nitrous oxide takes effect, patients will notice that they feel both numb and euphoric. This method wears off quickly, and patients can drive themselves home after treatment.

sedative pills

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation provides a deeper level of relaxation than nitrous oxide. The procedure involves the use of a prescription sedative in pill form. This sedative is taken before the patient visits the dental practice. By the time the patient arrives, the sedative will have taken effect and produced a deeply relaxed state. Patients will need to arrange a ride to and from their dental appointment.

IV Sedation

When patients need much deeper levels of relaxation, we consider intravenous sedatives. In fact, the team at the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute prefers IV sedation for the excellent effects it can have on patients who have severe anxiety about dental appointments. IV sedation allows us precise control over the patient's level of relaxation, which can be actively adjusted throughout treatment. Patients must arrange a ride to and from their appointment if they choose this sedation method.

Explore IV Sedation

Have Questions About Sedation? Get Answers from Our Dentists in Troy, MI

Whether you have sensitive teeth or a fear of dentists, sedation options can make your visit more comfortable and positive. We've helped patients from Troy, Birmingham, Bloomfield, MI, and surrounding communities experience the benefits of good oral health through restorative and preventative care.

To learn more about anxiety-free dental treatment in a state-of-the-art facility, contact our practice online. You can also reach the team at the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute by phone.

Call Us Today

(248) 519-1919

Enhancing Smiles Throughout Oakland County A Wide Range of Dental Options Just for You


raven manzella


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It’s so hard for me to find a dentist who has experience with all of my dental issues. Not only does cosmetic dentistry institute have experience in many areas but they have educated me on how to better accommodate my dental issues. They have also been available to me in dental emergencies. I definitely recommend this office. Great staff, very professional.

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Erica Kane


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I had the best experience shot out to Dr Gold but a special thank you to all the staff they are great but Tammy and Sophie you two really made me feel comfortable even though I've had bad experiences at other Dentistry offices. I can not thank you enough. Now I can really smile for my graduation photos mine and my daughter's. GOD Bless you both.

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Preparing for the Sedation Process

Picking the Right Option

It's crucial that patients get the right kind of sedation based on their needs. During the consultation process, we will discuss your concerns and what your oral health needs involve. Based on the nature of the dental work required, we can determine the right level of sedation. We'll also ask about allergies or potential contraindications so you can be safe during the procedure.

Arranging for Transportation

It can be unsafe to operate a vehicle after undergoing certain sedation methods. If you are undergoing oral sedation or IV sedation, be sure to speak with a loved one ahead of time about driving you to and from the practice. This is a common sense measure to ensure your safety.

Pre-Visit Instructions

For oral sedation and IV sedation, be sure to follow all instructions from your dentist closely. This includes restrictions on eating and drinking before your visit, and avoiding certain medications if necessary.

Woman smiling in a dental chair

The Sedation Process: What You Can Expect

While the sedation dentistry techniques differ, the general process is the same. Here is what guests can expect during their visit to the Cosmetic Dentistry Institute:

Administering the Sedative

The first step is making sure the patient reaches a relaxed state. Our compassionate dentists will note how you're feeling and do our best to comfort you as you ease into twilight sleep. We start dental treatment once we confirm that you are relaxed.

Relaxed Dental Care

As you sit wrapped in a blanket and free from fear and discomfort, our team of respected professionals can work on your teeth. Guests in this state of deep relaxation barely notice the time pass, even when they're undergoing lengthy and involved dental procedures.

Assistance Returning Home

Once the dental work is done and your visit is over, it's important that guests receiving oral or IV sedation have a loved one help them get home. This is just a precaution to ensure that patients do not operate vehicles or travel alone while coming out of sedation.

"What a Great Team!" Cosmetic Dentists Who Care About You




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Very nice, professional and friendly staff. Thank you so much for providing me with an excellent level of care.

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Robin Wioskowski


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Dr. Whalen & his assistant Kat were absolutely amazing with my son today! Kind and hard working people! What a great team!!

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Drs. Goldin and Whalen

Cosmetic Dentistry Institute

Drs. Craig Goldin, Marcy Goldin, and David Whalen in Troy, MI, have created a spa-like atmosphere where you can relax while receiving gentle dental care. Our team specializes in a range of general dentistry treatments, including:

To schedule an appointment at our office serving Birmingham, Bloomfield, and the greater Detroit metropolitan area, contact us online, or call (248) 519-1919 today!

Contact Us Today

"Dr. Craig Goldin, Dr. Marcy Goldin and Dr. David Whalen have earned the privilege of being noted among the world’s best, most knowledgeable cosmetic dentistry experts."

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