In this dental implants review, Kim says that after a lifetime of poor oral health, she was unhappy with the state of her smile. After developing a treatment plan with Dr. Goldin, Kim replaced both her upper and lower arches with dental implant-supported restorations. She can now speak and laugh with confidence.
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My family has not had great teeth, so I'm sure there's some genetics involved here. But from the time I was young and in grade school, I remember having decay in my mouth. So through the many years there has been decay, loss of teeth, temporary replacements in every area of my mouth.
The moment that really was a turning point for me was not liking my smile, not liking how I speak. Not wanting to smile. Not wanting to speak. Being so cognizant of what I could eat and not eat and in front of whom, and, you know, chewing, all of those things that your mouth affects.
And nothing was right, nothing was good, and I didn't like me from that perspective. So I knew that it came to the point where I had to get treatment, get it taken care of, not to mention the health concerns that go with all of that. That it just came to a head. And I said, "I can't be this way anymore."
The initial consultation was pretty interesting. I had not yet had a full exam of my mouth, but just kind of a look-see. And then they sat down and said, "Here's what we think needs to be done. Here's what we know needs to be done. And after some further examination, we'll come to a final plan." But ultimately got to the decision to do the full upper and lower replacement. It was necessary. I mean, I knew that there was very little that could be saved. And if I'm really here to make it the best that it can be, which Dr. Goldin was sharing with me, I knew that it had to be completely done.
When I received the implants, you go through a day of process, surgery, etc. while you're comforted during the procedure. I had very little discomfort afterwards. A little bit of soreness, a little bit of swelling, but didn't last very long at all. And at this point, there has been several changes. I think the biggest one for me is that I like to smile again, and I hadn't been able to do that freely for a long time. And I can laugh, and I can smile, and I'm very, very comfortable and happy doing that.